Double Shot At Trader’s Guard Benefits For Both Investors And Traders
6 min read

In our mission to bring a new era of trading and become the trusted Social Trading Platform, Trader's Guard is one of the exclusive, groundbreaking products that FXCE has researched and invested in. 

Based on the analysis of trading behavior, the benefits of Trader's Guard are substantial for both traders and investors. Especially with investment forms like copytrade or ETF funds, finding qualified traders is even more important in protecting assets. Trader’s Guard benefits will be analyzed in this article.

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FXCE Trader’s Guard

Once Again Look For Trader’s Guard Basis 

Before diving into Trader's Guard benefits, let's take a look at its purpose, how to set up and conditions it requires to commit.

1. Introduction

Originally, Trader's Guard is a commitment list of risk between traders and FXCE system, decided on the basis of the trader's analysis of his or her own trading results. These commitments will be published on their FXCE profile and will be disciplined if any of the terms are violated.

Because these terms are purely based on the skill of the trader and the goals the trader sets for himself, it can be said that it is the trader who decides and sets up his trading plans to follow. From there, these will be the constraints that the trader has to execute the order within safety limitations.

2. Trader’s Guard Register

As a proof of transparency, setting conditions is adding Trader's Guard benefits to the account as well. Simple steps include:

Step 1: Create FXCE account

If you haven’t had an account yet, sign up here. The process of filling in information, parameters and verifying via email takes only 5 minutes.

After creating or already having an account, login and click on “FXCE Account” at the account name section. 

Step 2: Select the account you want to install Trader's Guard on

Select the [FXCE Account] item. Then click on the account where you want to install Trader's Guard. Once displayed to the account, continue to select [Create Commitment].

FXCE Trader’s Guard

Step 3: Fill Trader's Guard Commitments

Commitments and terms will be displayed. The trader in turn fills in the value of the 10 commitment frames and the corresponding penalty.

Press [Confirm] to complete. After installation, the account will have a Trader's Guard icon displayed. (you still can edit the commitment after that).

3. Trader’s Guard Criterias

Accessing the Top Trader page, users can see the polygon round including the 5 scoring criteria below along with the evaluation factor. You can see Trader’s Guard benefits through this:


Evaluated Factors


Trading time, time frame

Trading volume

Number of orders

Ability to manage risk

Entry and exit points (SL and TP)

Equity Drawdown


Profit rate on orders

Total balance


Correct number of touches TP

Order entry and exit time


Number of orders in the week

Order entry and exit time frame

Currency pair usage rate

Trader's Guard Benefits For Traders

1. Trade more disciplined and professional

One of the biggest weaknesses of traders is greed. This is the reason why traders either want to hope to make a profit and get rich fast, or expect too far from the initial analysis of the order.

This makes the trader's ordering lack discipline with the plan: entering too many orders, hesitating on taking profits, tolerating losses, choosing too many currency pairs in the portfolio, price-chasing trading, going against the trend, etc. .. and many other subjective reasons that make the trading unprofessional. 

That’s when the first of Trader's Guard benefits help you limit the above mistakes.

2. Help traders build credibility with the community

Trader's Guard benefits also include when it comes to controlling greed, which is improving the spirit of discipline, managing more risks and being more responsible. Thereby, step by step traders are perfecting their trading system.

By that, the order history table will help attract more investors and traders are building credibility with the community on a sustained basis. Trader's Guard benefits are better opportunities for traders to prove their talents, enhance their value and connect with investors on the basis of honesty, transparency and professionalism.

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3. Better risk management

In the situation of a volatile market like Forex, placing 2-side Stop Loss and Take Profit is one of the top factors to prevent the price from rising or falling too sharply. This is a factor for evaluating the criteria “discipline” in Trader's Guard.

In addition to market fluctuations, cases when the trading system cannot operate due to technical errors will also limit losses.

4. Have the opportunity to receive investment

At FXCE, there are special investment programs for excellent signal providers. One of the important conditions to receive investment and funding is control of the Drawdown. To get used to this, nothing is more relevant than one of Trader's Guard benefits that has given traders a thorough practice in Drawdown management.

Trader's Guard Benefits For Investors

1. Objectively evaluate a master

Unless you are also a professional trader, looking at order history will be difficult to judge a trader who knows how to manage capital well. More common is that many people only look at the profit number without considering the number of currency pairs traded, the capital of the trader that has rushed to take the signal.

The scores from Trader's Guard are far from perfect, but it does give investors how well each of the trader's factors develop and which they might be lacking. 

2. More data considering traders

Since the capital is limited, investors cannot divide their capital by too many signals. When choosing to buy signals from a trader, there are always losing signals. To minimize losing trades, choosing a reputable trader from the start is a good solution.

Depending on your investment style, if you are adventurous, you can choose traders with high profit points. If safety is a priority, you can filter out those with higher experience and risk management scores.

3. Maximum risk management

Similar to Trader's Guard benefits for traders, investors can completely limit the risk of their money when choosing to invest in good traders or buy well-researched signals.

Psychological factors when investing is as important as trading, remaining a cozy status quo help investors not to be triggered while signals have impermanent loss. 

4. Opportunity to learn trading experience for yourself

In the process of investing in other traders, it is also an opportunity to observe how traders enter orders, set Stop Loss and Take Profit to manage risk, and how to choose currency pairs into their portfolio from which to choose. Anyone can build their own experience, both in how to choose a master or how to enter orders.

After a period of investing in traders, you can completely become a new trader for your own money. In particular, your potential is to have time to observe. Don't miss it.


Trader's Guard benefits are obviously positive for both traders and investors. Be aware that Trader's Guard is not limited to traders implementing new trading strategies or changing currency pairs in their portfolio, but is only meant to help traders and investors become more disciplined and update more useful information.

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