New products at FXCE, What's special about the Cent Infinity account?
3 min read

FXCE Cent Infinity

In 2023, FXCE made breakthroughs in technology, launching many new products to enhance the trading experience for traders on the platform. One of the featured products is the new trading account, Cent Infinity, with unlimited leverage. Join FXCE to discover interesting information about this new account.

What is a Cent Infinity account?

To increase the trading experience and diversify options for traders, FXCE recently launched a new type of trading account: Cent Infinity. With this account type, traders have unlimited leveraged trading. Another advantage is that when dealing with infinite currencies, traders will not need to pay commission fees, and spread fees are relatively low. Follow more information about the Cent Infinity account via the table below:

FXCE Cent Infinity

To create a Cent Infinity account, traders simply need to access the platform here. Then create an account and trade like other accounts. At the same time, traders can create multiple accounts at Cent Infinity. While trading, Cent Infinity will allow you to sell signals and receive investments.

What makes Cent Infinity stand out?

FXCE Cent Infinity

Up to now, few exchanges offer accounts with infinite leverage. This new product from FXCE will help traders have more options and increase their trading opportunities. Infinity leverage also means traders can trade with almost zero margin.

Thus, traders can enter orders with large volumes and execute many different orders simultaneously. Transactions will also be executed with a volume limit of unlimited with a small balance. Another advantage of the account is that price fluctuations are usually quite low and order matching is accurate.

Costs will be completely optimized to create favorable conditions for traders to participate. Traders also do not need to pay fees to enter or close orders. When trading with an account at Cent Infinity, traders can receive additional income from selling signals or investing. Thus, traders have the advantage of joining an account with low costs and many opportunities to make profits.

Some notes when using the Cent Infinity account

FXCE Cent Infinity

Regarding accounting infinity, traders also need to pay attention to the conditions for maintaining an account. When the market has strong news or fluctuations, the leverage of Cent Infinity will be automatically changed. 15 minutes before and after the news release, the leverage will be changed to 1:200. In addition, when liquidity is low, leverage will also be returned to default.

When trading with Cent Infinity, traders can only trade a maximum of 250 orders. If this number of orders is exceeded, the account will not be able to continue to add new orders. To participate in Cent Infinity, traders must ensure a minimum amount of $10 and can only deposit a maximum of $500.

If a trader wants to withdraw money while there is an open position, the account must have at least $10 (equivalent to 1,000 cents).  Traders can withdraw funds from their account's trading wallet, Cent Infinity, to the main wallet while trading. After withdrawing money, the remaining assets in the account need to be over 1000 USC (1 USD = 100 USC).  Note: The account that is copying the signal can withdraw money, provided that all trading orders have been closed.

While large leverage can help traders earn large profits, it can also magnify the possibility of losses. Therefore, traders need to manage risks well to manage their accounts well. When trading at FXCE, traders can use Trader’s Guard to minimize transaction risks.


The Cent Infinity account was launched as a new step forward, serving and bringing more experiences to the trading community at FXCE. With outstanding advantages, Cent Infinity will breathe fresh air into traders' trading journeys at FXCE.

Although unlimited leverage is an advantage, traders should still be careful when participating in Infinity trading accounts because market fluctuations are unpredictable. Please look forward to the next article for more information about the account Cent Infinity.

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